
Nanjing 5th International Young Naturalists' Tournament 2017 Organizing Committee (NTOC)

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Under and duly authorized by Nanjing Foreign Language School (NFLS), Nanjing 5th International Young Naturalists' Tournament 2017 Organizing Committee (NTOC) is a task force acting as the local organizer. NTOC has assumed responsibility to host the Tournament using facilities of technology of an appropriately high standard. 

In general, NTOC includes the following divisions and has the following 15 NTOC Personnel: 

NTOC Chairperson: Mr. ZHU Zheng, Deputy Principal of NFLS

NTOC Coordination Center

Director: Ms. LIN Qin, Deputy Principal & Director of Foreign Affairs Office of NFLS

First Coordinators: Ms. KONG Xiaonan (Jennifer); Mr. HOU Sicheng (Felix), Foreign Affairs Office of NFLS

Coordinators: Ms. CHEN Ying; Ms. ZHANG Ting; Ms. YAO Qian, Foreign Affairs Office of NFLS

Secretary & Speaker: Mr. ZHENG Luxiao, graduate of NFLS

NTOC Department of Logistics

First Facilitator: Mr. WANG Yichun, Deputy Facilitator of NFLS

Secretary of Logistics: Ms. WAN Yanran, graduate of NFLS

NTOC Department of Technology

First Technician: Mr.SHI Guibin, Director of Course Resources Center of NFLS

NTOC Website Administrator: Mr. ZHENG Luxiao, Mr. WANG Tianyu

NTOC Department of Foreign Affairs and Legislation

Speaker (Acting Director): Mr. WANG Tianyu, graduate of NFLS

NTOC Academic Committee

Director: Mr. PAN Zhimin, physics teacher of NFLS

Director of Science Fight Attendant: Mr. WANG Yuhao, graduate of NFLS

NTOC Volunteer Section

Director: Mr. LIU Lucheng, graduate of NFLS