







C: 也许有人会说,这些事情都离我们太过遥远。可是参与模拟联合国的我们,也拥有着和他们一样的舞台,也可以在各国代表面前,说出铿锵有力,掷地有声的话语,更可以,在今后的生活中,推动社会的进步。





L: 那么真正的模联会议是怎样进行的呢?一场会议中,最高频出现的词汇就是“motion”,中文意思是“动议”,是代表想要讨论一个具体的话题时提出的;判断一个动议是否通过,需要投票。代表们通过举代表牌或像今天现场举代表旗的方式表示赞成。今天我就邀请大家观摩联合国难民署模拟会议的片段,议题是“叙利亚难民的安置问题”。首先请允许我介绍参会国家代表:叙利亚代表,高二(4)班范悦航;美国代表,高二()班韩书缘;德国代表,高二(4)班程奕斐;法国代表,高三(8)班吕尚泉;中国代表,高二(5)班蔡昊桓。我将作为主席主持这场会议。

Welcome to the UN Refugee Agency. Now the dais would entertain the meeting: are there any points or motions on the floor?

H: The delegate of USA moves for a moderated caucus. The topic will be “the resettlement of Syrian refugees”. Total time would be 5 minutes, one for each delegate.

L:Delegates who are in favour of this motion please raise and wave your country’s flag. Thank you, delegates. This motion passes. Syria, you may have the floor.

Syria: Thank you, chair. Thank you, all. This is the delegate of Syria.

Our country is at war, women and children massacred, families torn apart in the turmoil, blood and tears shed on the land. We’re trying to bring peace to our nation. Syria asks every other country to respect our sovereignty and act in a humane way when encountering our people. The refugees by no means wants to be involved in war, but as the dawn of victory draws close, we call upon refugees to their homes and contribute to the development of this refreshing nation. I believe in the foreseeable future, we will regain power and remove all barriers on the way to success, especially terrorism and negative interference of countries.

Thank you.

L: Thank you Syria. USA, you may have the floor.


Honourable chair and distinguished delegates:

This is the delegate of the United States of America. Since 1975, the United States has accepted more than 3.3 million refugees for permanent resettlement-more than any other country in the world, reflecting the United State’s highest aspirations to leadership. However, the focus will be very much on the United States, what our role is in the world, the relationships that we want to continue to build and what we can do about that. The main goal that we have in the US administration during the forthcoming conference is to make the American people proud and what actions we can show that live up to that. President Donald Trump will talk about foreign aid, how generous the United States is, but he will also lay down a marker that while the United States is generous, we are going to be generous to those that share our values, generous to those who want to work with us and not those that try and stop the United States or say they hate America and are counter-productive to what we are doing. We are very adamant that we have to start making sure that countries in the Middle East are falling in line with international order like every other country. Thank you.

L: Thank you USA. Germany, you may have the floor.


Thank you chair, thank you all. Here is the voice of Germany.

Nowadays, it is readily discernible that various human right abuses have plagued a great number of Middle-Eastern nations, causing millions to flee from their homeland and seek asylum across the Mediterranean Sea.

The Republic of Germany has always put human right protection as one of our nations top priorities. Hence, together with other members of the European Union, we have always taken an active role in providing secure refuge for those desolate outcasts from the war-torn Middle East. Unfortunately, facilitating the resettlement and social reintegration of these refugees requires a tremendous amount of work. As more refugees flood into German borders, our existing social stability and order might be jeopardized. Currently, the demands created by the influx of refugees is reaching the maximum of our capacity for social hospitality. Therefore, under the backdrop of this enormous exodus, the international community needs to come to a unanimous realization that instead of the sole endeavor of Germany, multilateral collaboration is desperately needed. Due to the reasons mentioned above, Germany hereby advocates the international community to share the responsibility to accept refugees together through cooperation and mutual trust.


L: Thank you Germany. France, you may have the floor.


Chers délégués, chers présidents, Ici la voix de la France.

La France insiste que les pays européens restent alliés pour envisager côte à côte le flux migratoire incessant venant de la Syrie, et fait appel à plus de pays à faire particulièrement attention aux réfugiés qui passent par la Méditerranée. Bien tenant compte des exploits réalisés par la bateau de sauvetage Aquarius, la France espère que plus de pays pourront se coopérer avec les ONG en indiquant un chemin aux migrants qui arrivent dans les navires. Dans le passé la France a toujours montré son hospitalité envers les réfugiés syriens, et elle va toujours suivre de près l'évolution des flux de réfugiés.


Now please allow me to explain my speech in English.


Honorable chair and distinguished delegates,

Here's the voice of France.

France insists that European countries remain allies to deal with the incessant migratory flow coming from Syria side by side, and calls on more countries to pay particular attention to refugees passing through the Mediterranean. Taking into account the achievements made by the lifeboat Aquarius, France hopes that more countries will be able to cooperate with NGOs by indicating a way for migrants arriving in ships. In the past, France has always shown its hospitality towards Syrian refugees, and will always closely monitor the evolution of refugee flows.

Thank you.

L: Thank you France. China, you may have the floor.

China: 尊敬的大会主席,各位代表,早上好:





L: Thank you, China. Since the time is limited, this motion automatically expired.

L: 由于时间和场地的限制,今天我们只能给大家展示会议的片段。其实真实的模联会议有始有终,休会也需要由代表提出动议。那么现在,“场下有无休会动议?”

C: 中国代表动议休会。

L: 请赞成该动议的代表举起手中的代表旗。
