








Arthur:老师们,同学们,大家好!我叫安河,来自法国,我的法文名叫Arthur, 在法国,我有两个弟弟和一个妹妹,我将在中国学习一年,我相信这将是一次令人难忘的经历。我喜欢语言学习,也对科学很感兴趣。我喜欢体育,也热爱音乐,会弹贝斯,也搞乐队,会玩水球,也会英式拳击。我希望我能在中国,这个充满文化气息的国家,学到更多不同的东西,接触更多对我来说新鲜的事物,结识更多新的同学们,很高兴能够认识你们!

One of the reasons why, I really like being in an foreign language school is that you can learn many languages, but when i first arrived in the school, there are also problems for me, I had troubles in communicating with the others.Because not all of the students in this school speak english. Some of them speak french (which is good for me), german or even japenese instead of english.  

I can speak french, english and a little german but the hardest thing for me is to switch from one language to another... sometimes it happened that i could not speak at all because i didn't remember the words in the right language... it was a really weird sensation, just as if i lost my voice...

Now i have a better understanding in chinese, english and german, and with the help of my friends and their patience i don't have much more problems of communication.

Each saturday i do taichi with a master but he only speaks chinese, so at first, it was hard for us to understand each other. But now we found a way to solve this problem, he teaches me chinese and i teach him french, when we have problems in understanding each other, we just explain the words by drawing and miming.

If i say, that I’ve learned something from these situations i guess it’s that there is always a way to be understand.

Vivien:老师们, 同学们, 早上好,我叫 Vivien Mai Schwenke 和我十七岁。你们可以叫我,我的中文名字阮佳宁。我是德国的YFU交换学生。我家在莱比锡(Leipzig),德国东部的一个城市。我将在中国呆10个月。


现在我在南京三个月了。 我很幸运,有一个很好的家庭,好老师和好同学,我非常喜欢和欣赏。同时,我也很幸运能有机会在南京外国语学校学习。我希望在中国的剩余时间里,我能创造出更美好的回忆。

Then I'd like to tell you a bit about my daily life in Germany. I usually get up at 6 am and take the bus to school together with my friends, my sister Sophie and my brother Henning. At my school "Gymnasium Am Breiten Teich" class starts at 7:45. Normally I have 4, sometimes 3 classes. One class is 90 minutes long. I finish school at either 1 or 3 pm. So in comparison to NFLS school ends very early and also we don't wear school uniforms. However, I really like wearing the school uniform and wish we would do it at my school as well. Also, there are way less students at my school (only about 750) and we don't have any activities like morning exercise.  

Sometimes I have some extra activities at school after regular classes like taking part in the history club and choir rehearsals on Friday. On other days of the week I have lunch, do my homework and study for tests once I get home. However I have some other hobbies. On Monday and Wednesday I give English tuition, on Tuesday, I go to band rehearsals in the evening and every Thursday I play the accordion with our orchestra. When I am free from any other activities I read, listen to music  and watch TV series. In the evening I always have dinner together with my family. Finally I go to bed at around 10 pm.

Clément :大家好,我的名字叫Clément Doctor。我会尽量说中文但是我的中文不太好,所以如果我哪里说的不对,请见谅。


自从我到中国后,我发现两国最大的区别之一在学习上:尤其是中国作业特别多!在这儿,同学们花在学习的时间更多,即使是假日也不休息。但在法国我们有更多的空闲时间,并且假日基本不学习。但说到底,我觉得像你们一样学的这么多是件好事。因为你们在很多学科上的水平都比我们强。法国的学校也比这儿的小多了。在法国,没有这么多的社团供选择; 周一没有升旗仪式;没有时间做锻炼和休息。我们不需要穿校服并且每个人都不关心学生会的竞选。




Giulia: 大家好!我是Giulia,我还没有一个中文名。我来自意大利,今年我十七。我决定在度过这一年, 因为我很喜欢中国的文化与历史。令我印象最深刻的是这里的人。我身边的每一个人都十分的热情, 善良。这里的中国菜真的很好吃。我特别喜欢包子和汤圆。

关于我的话, 在意大利我有一个叫Marco,的小弟弟。我热爱排球,音乐和旅游。十分遗憾,我的中文还不够好。我会继续努力,提升我的中文水平。谢谢!

I decided to talk about food in my speech, because I find  it a very significant part of the cultural differences between countries.  

First of all, have you ever tried Italian food?  if you have never, I strongly suggest you to give it a chance, 'cause I think that Italian cuisine, with the Chinese one, are two of the best cuisines all over the world.

Now let's start with some differences.

One of the main differences is the "meal time". In Italy I usually have lunch at one or two o'clock  and dinner after eight o'clock. Here in China, with my host family, I have dinner at about six o'clock. It's really early for me, so at 9 o'clock I usually get hungry ahah.

(Another important difference is cutlery. I'm sure you all know that in Europe we use fork, spoon and knife instead of chopsticks to eat. During the first few days it was very difficult for me to get used to chopsticks: I was very dolt using them but now, even if I'm not a master, I can eat without  problems.)

Here, during the meals with the family,  everyone have a bowl of rice and all the people share food which is at the center of the table. In Italy, every person has his own plate and we don't share food. Yet Italian people don't eat rice everyday, but its equivalent is "pasta".  

In China, while eating, people make a lot of sounds to express their appreciation towards the food, while In Italy it's really gross to do so. There is not a right or wrong in this, it's only a cultural difference.

A curious thing that Italian people do before eating is to "wish a good meal". In Italian, we often say "buon appetito".

Despite the differences, China and Italy also have something in common when it comes about food culture.

As in China, meals in Italy is a very important part of family life and culture. Even though Italy is a very tiny country compared to China, there are a lot of different kinds of cooking: in every part of Italy you can taste different specialties, among which, I think it's useless for me to mention the most known Italian specialties as pizza, spaghetti and lasagne.

Thank you for listening!




首先,学会包容是让自己融入当地生活的前提。包容并不是单纯地宽容他人的错误,而是对于另一种文化的客观接纳。 有时,你可能会抱怨这座城市的生活效率不够高,会觉得这里的生活有些单一和无趣,可是,正是这些元素构成了这里独特的生活方式,将轻松和自由作为生活的要旨。与其抱怨,倒不如尝试加入当地人的活动,融入不同的文化。



