


Under the guidance of the officers of Cambridge international program, the excellent organization of presidents and subsidiary departments of the Student Union, and with the active attendance and cooperation of all teachers and students in the Cambridge program, we have experienced activities that were educational and fun during the 2-week Foreign Language Festival. The activities were are follows:
1.2月24日 ,第二十三届外语节于分部大操场宣布正式开幕。
1. The opening ceremony of the 23rd Foreign Language Festival was held on 24th February.
2. During the first week of the Foreign Language Festival, the publicity department of the Student Union decorated the classroom boards with homework that worthy of recognition from students in PAL and AS.
3. The art department of the Student Union held the 23rd Foreign Language Festival rehearsal of Cambridge and New South Wales programmes and at the same time selected outstanding performances to represent the entire school.
4. With the cooperation and supervision of the sports department and concerned authorities, the students of Cambridge programme cleaned the classrooms to herald March.
5.3月6日,纪检部与外联部在分部大操场举行了外语节爱心义卖活动,赢得了师生广泛的好评,共筹得善款 1400   元。
5. On 6th March, the Discipline department and the communication department held a charity sale on the playground. The sale received praise from teachers and students and raised 1400 yuan.
6. The academic department held the first Cambridge International Progamme Speech Contest on the 3rd of March. The first round had the participation of 40 students. With the expert advice from Dr. Cowie, 17 participants made it to the final. The final is going to be held on Wednesday this week.
本周我们将迎来第二十三届外语节活动的结束,在此 让我们在美好的春天里,满怀希望,迎接未来。
This week the Foreign Language Festival comes to an end. We wish all the students all the very best for the future.
                          李冬嫣 何王子
